Portfolio Manager Insights

Build an efficient team process where nothing is missed

Eliminate administrative burden and focus on alpha generation by building a process that keeps your team running smoothly.

Key Features
Rules Engine Alerts No-Code Admin Toolkit

The Status Quo

Is it time to talk to the management team? Did analyst conviction or price targets change? Why did a name move through the pipeline? Did you get an answer to that question your investment case hinges on? The questions and requests pile up quickly and the administrative work can distract teams who should be focused on alpha.

How VerityRMS Helps

With VerityRMS, portfolio managers can apply a consistent & efficient process that reduces manual oversight and follow-up. VerityRMS automates administrative workflows through a flexible rules engine that creates notifications, assigns tasks, and updates status based on customizable conditions. For example: 

  • If your team hasn’t talked to management in 3 months, then assign a task to the analyst. 
  • If a stock in the pipeline hasn’t received an update in 30 days, then give it ‘Inactive’ status.
  • If an analyst changes conviction/price target, then send a notification. 
  • If a price is within 5% of the target, then send a notification 

The investment team doesn’t have to add steps to their workflow or set up alerts on their calendar. And you’re no longer waiting or wondering about a potential blindspot. The RMS takes on administrative burden, so you and your team can focus on generating alpha. 

Rules Engine 2025

With an easy admin interface, you can quickly create custom if/then rules to automate investment processes and send alerts with relevant information.

How It Works

Step 1. Define Your Conditions

Set up the “IF” part of your rule by choosing what should trigger an action:

  • Time-based triggers (e.g., 90 days since last management meeting)
  • Data changes (e.g., analyst updates price target)
  • Status changes (e.g., stock moves to watchlist)
  • Threshold breaches (e.g., price within 5% of target)

Step 2. Configure Your Actions

Choose what happens when your conditions are met. For example: 

  • Send notifications to specific team members
  • Create tasks and assign them to analysts
  • Update status fields automatically
  • Move items between workflow stages

The system will then automatically monitor for your conditions and execute the specified actions whenever they’re met, keeping your team informed and on track without manual oversight.

Popular Integrations

S&P Market Data

Make faster decisions with leading market data & fundamentals alongside your investment research.


Recommendations, price targets, & latest portfolios flow between VerityRMS your PMS/OMS. Includes Enfusion, SS&C Eze, and more. Two-way integration via SFTP.


With the VerityRMS API, you can pull in data from third party systems and export data to downstream systems.

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