When Analysts Go: How to Reduce IP Loss & Minimize Onboarding Delays With a Modern RMS

Find out how funds are addressing common analyst turnover issues with VerityRMS.

Will Keuper, GM, VerityRMS
October 27, 2022

One of the more common catalysts for reaching out to us at Verity is analyst turnover. It may not be thought of as a problem resolved with a modern research management system, but it is.

Two scenarios:

  • Analyst leaves. New analyst is dropped into a mess of files, folders, spreadsheets, and shared drives. They do their best to catch up on positions, but details slip.
  • Analyst leaves. Before giving notice or shortly after being notified they have been let go, they quietly download all the research they can and take it with them.

In this blog, we’ll address both scenarios and share how our customers address them with VerityRMS.

Improved Onboarding

The pains of onboarding are largely matters of efficiency and scalability. A new analyst may need to sit down with analysts and PMs, learn the story verbally, and then explore a shared drive to see what’s there. Catching up this way takes time and creates a drag on other team members.

Granted, if you have a small team that works closely together, this may not be a hot-button issue yet. But customers report that onboarding — or even catching up existing analysts on old names — has completely changed since using VerityRMS.

Here’s why:

  • It’s centralized. All research is in one place — whether shared via email, spreadsheet, or Slack chat — so nothing gets missed or overlooked.
  • It’s organized. With help from powerful search and auto-tagging, content is logically connected by topic and searchable on any level, making it easy to get the full story and brush up on related content.
  • It’s highly integrated. With integrations for analyst staples like Word and Excel, you can be sure that content makes its way into the RMS, regardless of where it originated.

Powerful, NLP-enhanced search speeds onboarding by surfacing all of the relevant and related content for new analysts.

IP Safeguarding 

A minimal degree of IP loss is expected when onboarding a new analyst. But when an analyst leaves to start up their own fund or join another fund and brings large amounts of research with them, the loss becomes far more concerning. One now-customer came to us after being burned by an analyst who downloaded and brought four years of research with them to their new employer.  

VerityRMS provides piece of mind through formal safeguards. For example, you can set up alerts and notifications based on file download thresholds. So if an analyst downloads 50 or 100 files from the RMS, or any number deemed too high, the system provides managers with an alert. Similarly, once an analyst provides their notice, you can set a download limit to prevent them from attempting to bring their research elsewhere.  

Bottom Line 

Onboarding analysts is a cost of doing business, but there is much you can do proactively to minimize knowledge loss and inefficiency. A modern research management system, like VerityRMS, has important features — along with many others — built in to keep your team moving forward. 

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